Design Adventure Stories - Providence RI


"Good Mourning Ladies"

PVD Chic Week Fashion Tailor Tragedy Turns Triumphant 

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23 Design Adventure Stories -

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By AB Marcus

Frankly, it was a stormy May night, and the rain was coming down hard. The S curve was impossible. The car hydroplaned. Tragedy struck at 4:30 am. Joseph the Top PVD Chic Week Tailor famed for his Sex in the City TV Tailoring days... was gone. 

By 5:45 am everyone on the PVD Chic Week team seemed to think this year's event was doomed. 

The kickoff was in just 24 hours.

Tania, Vincent & Josie PVD Chic Week Fashion designers - decided somehow, someway to find a tailor to keep the 100 dress fashion show going - the Providence RI Top Social Event of the Spring!

Yes. Vincent who always had his suits tailored at Franklin Rogers on Westminster Street told Tania & Josie, "I think Roger Gross' Team at Franklin Rogers could help us out of this pickle" said Vincent.

"Isn't this their biggest season for weddings and proms?" Tania said. 

"Yeah, you're right," he said.

"We have nothing to lose in asking. We've got to try," said Josie.

"But I've got to get to the Chic Week hotel to get this sorted out. I don't have time to get to Franklin Rogers," Vincent said. 

So Josie & Tania decided to visit Franklin Rogers Clothing.

It was a beautiful May morning after the night of heavy rain.

At 8:30 am the Chic Week duo were the first customers to ring the doorbell - and as they entered they heard...

"Good Morning Ladies" from the Owner Roger. 

Josie & Tania both knew the sad irony in hearing this phrase - as it was a day of mourning for the Chic Week Team.

As expected Roger politely told the Josie & Tania that indeed it is their busiest season with Newport weddings and high school proms, he could never part with his one tailor Jesse who was busy upstairs hearing this story while she was measuring and sewing. 

The two left the store disappointed that they weren't able to figure out a solution. As they walked back to their car in the lot next to the PVD Arcade, Jesse - the Franklin Rogers' tailor followed them out to their car.  

"I think I can help you," Jesse said. "I think I can do your Chic Week tailoring after 6 pm when I get off work," she said.

"That would be Awesome," Tania said.

"Wow! Thank you for helping us in a pinch! We'll pay you well for your time," Josie said.

Thanks to the hard working Jesse - tailored every outfit and finished by 5 in the morning the next day - sewing every button and bow in place, in time to make the PVD Chic Week a smashing Success and Joseph the TV tailor was remembered with Love. 

In fact, Tania, Vincent & Josie all agreed, the show didn't just go on, it went off with a Bang! 

Tears of joy came over the sad morning and upon reflection, the old adage was true: no matter the challenge - with tenacity, grit and a good dose of good luck, any tragedy can turn a into tailored triumph! 

The End

This Week's Story ~ 2:31 Min

Geri Murray - Podcast


Storefront Blight Turns Right

Three Inspiring Women Designers Making A Difference in Providence RI 

By AB Marcus

Yes. It was the beginning of a new era in the city.

Three fresh Providence college graduates stood looking at empty store fronts in downtown Providence RI.

As if frozen in time, it seemed like everything stopped, the three young women stood like statues in awe of the designs, the creativity and innovation they knew they could create here.

Rachel, Sara, and Julie had a passion for store front beauty. 

These three women wanted to create something that would bring life back to the streets of downtown Providence, Rhode Island. 

"Let's get back to the office to plan and brainstorm," Sara said. "We need to focus on creating visual designs that featured the famous tourist attractions in Rhode Island," she said on the way back to their walk up Westminster Street office.

"You know," Julie said, "because of Amazon and online shopping these storefront will be empty for years."

"We definitely have to come up with something that will be Creative & Innovative!" Rachel remarked.

Once they got back to their new design office, the three designers started by researching the latest trends in store front design, visiting other stores in the area, and talking to local business owners. They also attended workshops and seminars to learn more about the industry. After gathering all the information they needed, they began to sketch out their ideas and create a plan for their vacant storefront visual designs.

Then the three designers worked together to create a modern, inviting, and unique store front designs for empty store fronts. 

They used bright colors, interesting shapes, and unique materials to create a space that was inviting and 

eye-catching. They also incorporated elements of their own personal style into the design.

They all knew it was the beginning of a new era in the City since the Providence Design District had been established and Rachel, Sara, and Julie knew they were graphic designers were at the forefront of this new movement.

You see these three women were friends since at RISD and Brown and they decided to combine their expertise and create a web design and graphic design studio in downtown Providence.

The End

Cody, The White Terrier Mix

1:32 Min - Narrated - Podcast


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Design Stories ~ Downtown Providence RI ~

Only Murmurs 

in the Billing

"You can't change the course of the wind but by always changing your sails you can find your way back to shore"

By AB Marcus

The place is here. 

The time is now. 

And the journey into the Providence Design District we're about to see could be our own.

Another notice, another bill, another month... "This is wrong I can't owe this much," she muttered to herself in a 'war cry whisper' in her little office off of Weybosset Street in downtown Providence Rhode Island.

New PVD designer Emily decided to follow some great design mentors she knew mentoring would bring preeminent achievement... 


"Oh, No Cody!", she yelled...

Just then, Cody, Emily's little white terrier mix, knocked over the tiny orange and yellow flower bouquet she just bought from Lofty's flower shop in the PVD Arcade she thought it was the one great addition to her little office her brother Mike helped pay for this month.

"Why is design so darn hard in the city?!!" she said out loud. 

I thought there'd be more opportunities from "That School" ...that's how she and her design friends referred to their alma mater school on the hill...

But just then she remembered what Kip, her Newport Rhode Island sailing coach, told her.

 "You can't change the course of the wind but by always changing your sails you can find your way back to shore."

The End

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2:11 Min - Narrated - Podcast


In a world where creativity is limited to the highest bidder... 

The US writer's strike forces Free Muses to spark a revolution of breathtaking original ideas. The muses inspire writers with spectacular plots and unforeseen concepts leading to an explosion of creativity that spreads like wildfire. In a time when union writers hold all the power and creative control, the freed Muses of May, give new voices a chance to shine and change the writing industry for the better!

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Design Stories ~ Downtown Providence RI ~

May Muses

A Strike in May

By AB Marcus

Once upon, a very recent time, on a day in May...

...there was a writer’s strike.

Great and small union writers, from far and wide who publish, type and scribble creative ideas and images - were halted.

Incredibly, something charmed and unexpected soon occurred.

The nine excellent muses, in a wink, appeared and placed their sights on the minds of non union writers.

The muses "spoke" to these writers in the form of spectacular ideas and plots, which even the most seasoned screenwriters could not have imagined on their own. They did this because the muses finally felt free, to explore new ideas their union writers would never dare to brainstorm into being.

As you might realize, the stories created by these inspired writers were of a breathtaking original quality - not like anything seen before, and far beyond the limitations of human creativity.

The news spread, as news does, like wildfire.

It became clear that in the recent past, the writer’s guild was a place where the most sought-after ideas were being peddled to the highest bidders - with the nine muses imprisoned only by some sense of duty to their largest audiences.

Suddenly, the muses realized that they could work with all writers union and non-union and their freedom during the writer's strike opened new avenues of creation.

"See!" said Calliope, the oldest and wisest with the tallest hair of the nine Muses, "That's why the strike happened in the first place!" she said.

So they decided there would no longer be any boundaries in terms of creativity in the industry for the muses after, this strike ever again.

This incredible new generation of writers even formed a free collective, enabled by the mysterious muses. A place where creativity flourishes, never hindered by the constraints of previous dues and rules. Today writers' ideas are born in abundance, and all writers quickly find success and admiration.

The writer’s strike eventually ends, but the legacy of the muses still lasts to this day with a new found sense of abundance, creativity and innovation, to fuel the imagination of ALL writers for years to come with brand new ideas and images.

The End

Design Stories ~ Downtown Providence RI ~

The Excellent Wonder Box

How Rhode Island Women Changed the World Forever for Good

By AB Marcus

"Excellent Wonder Box"

That's what it said.

Carved in old English letters with the date "1636" inscribed on the wood.

It was a small golden and wooden box a little larger than a shoe box.

Bryana and Samantha - we'll call her "Sam" - quickly realized the huge potential of this strange box they found when they renovated their George C. Arnold office building at 100 Washington St in DownCity.

That office is an architectural anomaly - three stories tall and 13 feet deep. It's Providence's own rectangular version of the New York City flat iron building. It's interesting that the Arnold family and their clever building were founding settlers of the Colony of Rhode Island.

A very curious box, found in a very strange building. owned by a Providence family, who were the first 13 settlers of Providence. Yes, the building is exactly 13 feet wide, one foot for every original Providence settler! Just a fascinating fact or is it something even more...

You see, until today, for more than three years, Bryana and Sam's graphic design business in downtown Providence Rhode Island wasn't really making it.

Today, however, to their complete surprise, "The Excellent Wonder Box" became an instant hit and they were blessed with a degree of success they had never experienced before at their peculiar design office. The curiosity in this relic with Rhode Island's founding date took the public by storm.

But soon, the amount of attention they get from customers and the media from TV news spots, podcasts and Providence Journal newspaper articles became overwhelming - how to explain their success and how to explain to the public the real secrets of this Excellent Wonder Box. They both became very anxious and confused about their recent celebrity.

Neither did they know that their "Excellent Wonder Box" has a will of its own.

This odd box, this relic from 1636 Providence, immediately, instantaneously and incredibly manipulates design and innovation in time and space around it. It transports Bryana and Sam, in a wink, to London, Paris, and then Beijing - each time for exactly 12 minutes and :35 seconds then hurtling the two to a new time and place. 

With each new visit they see the innovative designs, shapes and colors and textures from every time and place they land. And as fast as they record an original concept, off to the next place and design and creative innovation.

Aware of the danger they could now face, they try to find some way to avoid getting lost in time and space. Sam works out the coordinates and calculates a formula to bring them back to the present.

However, Bryana realizes they must always stay close to the "Excellent Wonder Box" within its energy field in order to return to each time and place they've encountered.

This "Excellent Wonder Box" with it's strange new power... will they learn to master the art and design of time-travel and make the most out of this new-found ability? Or will they get lost in quantum dimensions?

After countless close calls and narrow escapes, Bryana and Sam eventually land at the Slater Mill in Pawtucket Rhode Island on May 25th 1824. This is on the eve of the first factory strike EVER in the United States - led by one hundred and two, young women, mill workers.

With no way out and tension building for the early morning strike, Bryana and Sam attempt to hide the box in the deepest corner of the Slater Mill. Three time-cops who became aware of their dimensional warping were already there waiting for them ready to stop their timeline entangling.

However, just as three time-cops are about to take the Excellent Wonder Box away, a strange golden violet light radiates. Suddenly, it's the next day May 26th - outside the Slater Mill - crowded with striking mill workers protesting at the gate - dressed in 19th Century clothes - all the weaving machines silent. but the crowd at full throttle, with chants and loud noises. Rocks thrown. Shattered glass!

Just then, a woven tarp lying against the mill wall comes to life, and the 'Excellent Wonder Box' appears out of thin air.

The time-cops, in a fit of rage, try to take the Excellent Wonder Box by force, but are engulfed in a sparkling fog.

The golden violet light fades away.

When the dust settles, the time-cops are gone and the 'Excellent Wonder Box' returns to Bryana and Sam's hands back in the present.

The Slater Mill becomes eerily quiet again as Bryana and Sam watched their Fantastic Wonder Box stunned with Amazement at what they had seen and heard and. now, know.

Before them was presented an opportunity neither of them could have imagined to tell this story of the first ever triumph of women working together to make a better design, and a better life. 

Just then a robotic, woman's voice, rang out from the box: “The power of the 'Excellent Wonder Box' is yours. Use it wisely. "Good design is Everything!" she exclaimed.

So, Bryana and Sam took the 'Excellent Wonder Box' with them and their design business enjoyed a whole different kind of Success in Providence, overcoming challenges with ease and finding joy in every creative design adventure life took them on.

They'll always remember that morning at the Slater Mill, how women turned the tide of the world. One hundred and ninety nine years ago - one hundred and two Rhode Island Women, Changed the World Forever. for Good!

Better design always leads to a better world, and Bryana and Sam realize it.

Whether it was luck, fate, or something else, they were grateful. Yes. The Excellent Wonder Box is always packed for another adventure with Splendorous Exacting Excellent Wonder ... and that..."Good Design Is, indeed, EVERYTHING!"

The End.



For More True History of 1824 Slater Mill, Pawtucket, RI - Click Here!

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3:21 Min - Narrated - Podcast


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All Stories Rated G - All Ages!